Thursday, 26 November 2009


"Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another."

-Marquis de condorect

So well put. I think humans are awfully difficult creatures to please. In a way, it's a good thing too. We don't stay put, we advance and improve, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to sit back and smell the roses lah. There's nothing wrong with wanting to advance but some times you have to enjoy what you have and don't complain so much about what you don't have [which you don't need].

Kiam siap [stingy] people should learn how to use their money some times. This applies to people with god-knows-how-much-money in their bank accounts. What's the use if you have many zeroes you have in your bank account if you everyday just eat maggie mee to save money. == Truth be told, I very kiam siap myself, but I would use my money on food. ;p That's why my mom always says I very potential to be obese. ;p Hussssh! I is trying to control my makan urges lah!

"You are the only one I see to the point that it saddens me."

-asa mo, hiru mo, yoru mo

So the touching the first time I read it. I noticed that all those shoujo manga have very nice quotes. Some of them will instantly make you go 'AWWWWWWW'. Those quotes are THAT powerful.
I noticed that people with hidden potential always gets the least attention when their young. Until they grow up, looking all glam and stuff, only then people pay attention. == How uncool. Good looking people have it easier than commoners like me. T.T Curve you good looking talented people!! Lol.

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