School was school today. Lol. Our class was quite empty, not a lot of form 3s came to school. Their common reason is probably 'Lazy'. Lazy-bums!! Lol.
School was like usual lah. Went to school and wait for my fellow buddies to come while admiring a person's iPhone 3G3. The phone's pretty cute but OBVIOUSLY cost a bomb to own. Lol.
I spend the whole day with DANIELLE and no, I'm not bored with you yet dear and hopefully you won't be bored with me either! Lol. When she reached to school, we went outside to buy nasi lemak, wayyy better than our school's but hush! Lol.
Then, we went to gather up at the basketball court. We were supposed to play netball but dunno what happened. Lol. We already prepared to get whacked up by the form 1s already, believe me. Lol. While they were off to find a netball, both of us were watching the boys play basketball in FEAR! On my half lah, I takut of basketball, I have no idea why either. Lol. The teacher in charge eventually forgot about us and we continued to watch in peace. :D
In conclusion, we spend the whole day talking to each other lah. She beat me TWICE in congkak. 0.0 I was in a daze and we didn't get to play pictionary! :(
Tomorrow, we have gotong-royong. Can I file for child-abuse? Lol.
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