Ooooh. I look fat.
I just happened to randomly take that pic.
My ultra long fingers! :D
Flash back to o5' - I was 11 years old then
If you happened to click my pictures, you'll noticed that all the pictures 'broke', because it has low mega pixels. I still want a camera lah.
Chinese new year is coming! Kesian lah, it's on the same day as Valentine's day! 0__0 Will you stay for love or go for money? Stay in Kl and have a romantic day or go balik kampung and get all your $$$? The economy is bad now, so don't get your hopes up for super large amount of money. Lol. I can't wait for my cousins to come back! It's gonna be crazzzy! I wonder if they'll take my room like last time.
Chinese new year is coming! Kesian lah, it's on the same day as Valentine's day! 0__0 Will you stay for love or go for money? Stay in Kl and have a romantic day or go balik kampung and get all your $$$? The economy is bad now, so don't get your hopes up for super large amount of money. Lol. I can't wait for my cousins to come back! It's gonna be crazzzy! I wonder if they'll take my room like last time.
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