Friday, 17 December 2010

My friend

I was google-ing for Beast until my sister pops out.

"Jie jie, who? Friend ahh??"
"No... but I want to be their friend...."


I want to go see Jun Hyung and Gi kwang and all the other Beast members! Now... all I need is tickets and people to teman me. 

They're coming next month to Malaysia and there's no live showings. DAMNN.

Ps, I dreamed about Big Bang's Top and GD the other night. I was friends with them. HEHEEE.
Ok, this is very unhealthy. :P

Tae yang looks like he's doing ballet at the bar. Strange.. but cute! :D

Jeanne said, if Big Bang got concert in Malaysia, she confirm will gung-ho with me. LOLLL.

Come to Malaysia please? :)

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