Monday, 14 June 2010

Her sister.

I feel as if I've been neglecting my blog long term. LOL.

Since majority are side tracked by the world cup, I've been watching a korean drama called 'Cinderella's sister'. I'm at episode 17 now but there's 20 episodes in total.

Did I cry?

Did my heart shatter to millions or billions of pieces?
Of course lah. Eunjo looks so emotionally unstable and Kihoon looks so sad all the time. T_____T

I think it's idiotic lah,
Kihoon goes like 'I need you!'
Eunjo pushes him away.

Then both of them go back to their room and cry like crap. =__________________=

You'll only get the above if you watched the show.Lol.

I think Chun Jung Myung is quite a good actor actually, he portrays his characters quite well.
He doesn't look 30 at all! :0

You and your smile. :D


He looks relieved.

You always look so sad. :(

I totally heart her with long hair. :)

I loveee this scene. :)

Makes me wanna grab my shoes and run as well. :D

The scene where he accidentally grabs her pencil and her hair is all flowing.

He was mystified by her beauty or her vulnerability.

She was trying to escape if you were wondering.

Ok, now I'm gonna continue watching my series. :)

Ps, I have to get back to reality. School's in a week and I already feel all agitated and stuff. Maybe because I have to start doing and revising all my homework. =____=
Oh boo. I have tuition tomorrow and I haven't started my add maths yet. My tuition teacher will absolutely murder me tomorrow. T____________T

Pps, picture credits to dramabeans. :)

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