Monday, 13 September 2010

Miyavi ♥

Miyavi = Epic.

DUDE! Why have I not heard of you? :0 You have MADDDD guitar skills and ahhhhhhh! It's just so awesome! :D I just found out about him about... yesterday, past midnight so it's today right? Lol.

The water thing is creative but freaky at the same time...

The first song I heard from him.

I think he's really talented though. :D His guitar skills are just crazy!
Did you know he has a wife and kids already?

HAH! Didn't expect that did you? :P

Yeahh, I was surprised as well since he's only 29 years old and he looked really INTO his music but mggggg, he's amazing! ♥

Ps, My neighbour's clock won't stop ringing!
That's hardly nice. :(

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