Saturday, 23 May 2009


I am currently TRYING to improve my Chinese now through *duh*


It seriously helps! I swear! Now I'm reading my mom's old manga. It's quite famous, it's called
Candy Candy. It's pretty good, poor Anthony, he died from a fox hunt. Sighs.

Oh yeah! I bought Naruto shippuden 2: bonds today. I got to admit it's pretty good. I think the worst one is the 3th movie. Naruto is not a bad influence! It is very ber-moral, they always talk like never give up and stuff like that. Lol. I have soooo many mangas/dramas/animes to catch up to after pmr. Yay! =D

It's a good picture. We all look so sesat by the way it's very candid. Lol. (L to R) Maddy>Alex>Chia Yee :D Our car broke down and we were waiting for people to rescue us. Lol.

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