Monday, 4 July 2011

Transformers 3 : Dark of the moon

To all the haters, I beg to differ. I thought Transformers : Dark of the Moon was absolutely AMAZING.

I give it a 8/10. :) 

The trailer. 

I'm a movie junkie so I basically watch any genre of movies. 
I watch drama, Chinese war flicks [SO GOOD.] , comedy. Basically anything that is watchable. I can't tolerate certain movies though. nothing comes to mind at at moment.. except for knocked up. 

The graphics is absolutely MIND-BLOWING. They really did pay attention to the details, it's very evident. From how the aliens moved to how the city would look like in it's doomsday. So NICE. The movie plot wasn't bad in my opinion, it was very focused on showing fear and humanity.

I for one, thought that the acting wasn't bad. Shia was screaming, crying and... he was just basically showing tons of emotion. PLUS, Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley had good chemistry together. :) Oh yeah, she replaces Megan Fox well. :D She gives off this sort of smart vibe and mg, SHE'S SO PRETTY and she ran the whole way in heels! Who does that?! 

Basically, don't attempt to over-analyse this movie. It's a blockbuster, just go with the flow and enjoy. Blockbusters are meant to be visually pleasing not thought provoking. If you wanted something thought provoking, you should have went and watch something else.

Watching the movie because of the graphics? Totally understandable because it was awesome. :D

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