ok..i'm gonna write happened in my life 4 the past *few* days..lol
i abandoned my blog lazy to write..wait..type!xD
erm..dunno when saturday was kenny's wedding dinner..some ppl got drunk..to much beer..then they want to teach me drink..lol..then kena marah by akim..lol..but they were only joking lah..we had it on top of restoren taiping lang!!xD whee~
ok now to my birthday~
i woke up in the morning..eyes can only a little nia..lol..then we went to fetch jeanne to our house..
when we went back ate mcD~and watch a movie..then!!!jeanne went to help me wif my elmo blog..=D...THANK Q!!we played uno when we were playing got the 'bad' number..weird.. we watch some tv..then..*drums roll*
it became night!!!!time flies doesn't it..haih..
when it was night we ate alot of good food..ahh..got fondoe..slurpp..lala wif wasabi..nice!!chicken..the chicken season until night..like all bbq 1 the foods..thenn...sparkling juice!!!!but kena spray my self a bit..hehe..i went high on my birthday..the sugar rush i have been keeping kua..xDthen the cake was soo creamy..but it was ok..then until like 11 like that we fetch jeanne home..so late fetch ppl back..xD
ps#i lurve my presents!!!!
thank q!!!!